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Single Origin Showcase: Mexico

by Kaitlin Graham 10 Oct 2023

Our Mexico beans are organically grown in the Chiapas region of Mexico. Chiapas is in Southern Mexico, and its altitude and climate are just right for growing coffee. Its environmental conditions produce a bean that is mild and sweet.

Red flower in front of field of green coffee plants with a house on the hill in distance

The coffee is cared for by Marachi, a group of smallholder farms. They mill their coffee at the Finca Monte Azul farm. The organic beans, which are predominantly the bourbon and caturra varietals, are grown at altitudes from 1,200 to 1,600 meters (4,000-5,250 ft.) above sea level and harvested from December to April.  

The mild acidity and smooth body of this medium roast will leave you satisfied. It’s fully washed and refined, bringing out pleasant crisp and nutty flavors. With tasting notes of dark chocolate, cinnamon, and green apple, this single-origin bean makes a fine brew. 

Click here to give our single-origin Mexico beans a try.

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