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Why We Love the Swiss Water® Process

by Kaitlin Graham 02 Jan 2024

Jute sack with Swiss Water Process logo printed in blue

What is the Swiss Water® Process?

The Swiss Water® Process is a special process that organically removes caffeine from coffee. It relies on the scientific principles of solubility and osmosis. The process involves soaking a batch of green coffee beans in hot water to dissolve the caffeine. Monkey Hanger Co. is proud to be a member of the Swiss Water Association, and our decaf coffee is decaffeinated using the Swiss Water® Process

How does the Swiss Water® Process work?

The Swiss Water® Process begins with soaking beans in water. Then, the green coffee is drained. Next, it’s rehydrated to bring it back to a moisture level that is ideal for removing caffeine. For the next 8-10 hours, Green Coffee Extract is circulated around the green coffee beans while caffeine is removed through a carbon filter system. 

The Swiss Water Process

Why does the process matter?

Other decaffeination processes, like methylene chloride, aren’t as safe and natural, so we prefer the Swiss Water® Process. Because the process is natural, it retains more antioxidants than any other decaffeination process. The Swiss Water Association, who invented and uses the Swiss Water® Process, focuses on sustainable coffee practices. They use a 100% chemical free decaffeination process and support coffee-growing communities through corporate donations. 

White cup with coffee being poured in

Try our Decaf Coffees to experience the benefits of Swiss Water® Process for yourself.

SWISS WATER® and SWISS WATER® Logo are trademarks of Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc. used under license.

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