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Everything You Need to Know About the Health Benefits of Juniper Berries

by Kaitlin Graham 23 Jan 2024

If you’re a gin enthusiast, you know that juniper berries are the backbone of gin. But, did you know that juniper berries have surprising benefits? Keep reading to find out what they are!

Juniper berries in a silver bucket being poured into copper pot


Juniper berries have antioxidants that protect against inflammation, viruses, and bacteria.

Digestive Aid

Juniper berries are known to have natural laxative properties that promote digestion.

Great Source of Vitamin C

Juniper berries are rich in vitamin C and can give your immune system a boost.

Supports Sleep

Juniper berries can be used to soothe the body and mind, therefore acting as a sleep aid.

Maintains Heart Health

Studies have shown the juniper berries benefit cardiovascular health by decreasing blood pressure. 

Blue juniper berries on green branch

Since juniper berries are full of health benefits, you can rest easy knowing a glass of gin (enjoyed in moderation, of course) is brimming in antioxidants. 

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