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Single Origin Showcase: Colombia

by Kaitlin Graham 10 Oct 2023

Our medium-roast Colombian coffee is perfect for a mid-morning pick me up. This single-origin bean is grown by our farmers in a lavish nook at the foothills of Cordillera Central, a picturesque mountain in the Tolima region of Colombia at the Cafe de Macizo farm. These growers have dedicated their lives to the craft of growing coffee, putting their decades of knowledge towards creating a quality bean. 

Tolima Region of Colombia Landscape Rural

Cafe del Macizo was formed in 2003 by a small group of farmers. The 59 lifetime growers share decades of knowledge and resources with each other to produce a very high quality, organic coffee, that they harvest between the months of December and April.

Our Colombia coffee is made up of the caturra, castillo, and typica varietals and is grown between 1,500 and 2,100 meters (4,900–6,900 ft.) in altitude, giving it the rich, yet light flavors we love. After being picked, the beans are washed and sundried, which brings out a medium acidity and gives the beans a smooth, round body and a nice complexity.

With cupping notes of dried orange, berry, and chocolate, our Colombia bean makes a refreshing brew that you’ll want to soak up all day long. 

This high-quality bean is something you’ll have to try for yourself to truly understand. Shop now.

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