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Busting the Myth: GMOs in Coffee

by Kaitlin Graham 19 Aug 2024

How does genetic modification affect coffee? Are coffee beans genetically modified? What even is a GMO? Let’s find out.

Lined paper on desk with GMO written and four scrabble pieces spelling Free

“GMO” stands for Genetically Modified Organism. GMO’s are plants and animals whose DNA has been altered through genetic engineering, according to National Geographic.

GMOs are necessary in some instances to provide essential nutrients. For example, when one species of banana became extinct, genetic modification was able to breed a new species of banana plants. However, in other cases GMOs create food sensitivities. Because of this and lack of research on the long-term effects of consuming GMOs, many consumers choose to avoid GMOs whenever possible. 

There’s a myth that coffee beans are genetically modified. However, most coffee beans don’t contain any GMOs. 

Even though most coffee beans don’t contain GMOs, that doesn’t mean that all coffee is GMO free. Some coffees contain flavoring additives that do contain GMOs. If you want to drink a GMO free brew, be sure to check the ingredients of your coffee beans to see what flavors are included. 

Luckily, all Monkey Hanger coffee is GMO free. We believe that the natural flavor of the beans are best when they’re produced naturally. No genetic modification needed.  

Click here to shop Monkey Hanger coffee and find your perfect GMO free beans!

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