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3 Standout Coffee Trends That Will Put a Pep in Your Step

by Kaitlin Graham 15 Nov 2023

In 2023, some interesting coffee additives have entered the coffee world. Namely, butter, salt, and olive oil coffee were trending throughout the year.

While we’re still coffee purists at heart, if you fancy giving these trends a go, we’ve rounded up some recipes to see what the fuss is all about.

Coffee in a glass on a wooden board with a bowl of butter cubes and a bowl of coconut

Butter Coffee

Butter Coffee, a.k.a. Bulletproof Coffee, entered the coffee scene as part of a keto diet. While Butter Coffee has been around since 2011, it’s recently gained new popularity through TikTok. Fans claim that adding butter to coffee acts as a liquid breakfast and eliminates the afternoon caffeine crash many coffee drinkers face. To make this coffee, you’ll need a cup of black coffee, 1-2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, and 1-2 teaspoons of MCT oil (like coconut oil). Blend the ingredients for 30 seconds, then enjoy your smooth and frothy Bulletproof Coffee.

Salt Coffee

This coffee trend was brought into the limelight by Food Network star Alton Brown. According to the Iron Chef, salt counteracts the bitterness of coffee, and its low acidity can make a silkier drink. Salt Coffee regained popularity this year after the original recipe was discovered by Buzzfeed. To make it at home, add ¼ teaspoon salt to six tablespoons of coffee grounds before brewing it.

Coffee in a glass cup on a gray countertop with loose coffee beans and olive oil in a glass jar

Olive Oil

While adding olive oil to coffee isn’t a new idea (it’s been used in Italy for decades), Starbucks has brought it to the forefront of coffee trends. Olive Oil Coffee, sometimes referred to as Oleato, is made by adding one tablespoon of olive oil to brewed coffee. Oleato drinkers say that adding olive oil to coffee creates a deliciously unique flavor and texture.

If you’re ready to try a new coffee regimen, give these one of a kind coffee recipes a try! Pair them with Monkey Hanger coffee, and you just might find a new favorite. 

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